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Olvi’s strengths in the market environment

Key change factors

  • Eco- and health-conscious consumers
  • Craft and uniqueness
  • Premium- and budget-priced products on the rise, overall demand for alcohol decreasing
  • Store brands becoming significantly more common
  • New players and M&As are common in the competitive arena
  • Changes in legislation and taxation
  • Moderate economic growth and purchasing power in other Olvi operating countries

Olvi’s strengths in the market environment

  • Strong multi-local position, tradition and presence in the domestic market
  • A wide range of products to meet local needs, agilely developed based on changing consumer needs and market data
  • Efficient, agile and data-driven production
  • Strong distribution network
  • Strong retail competence, strengthening position in the HoReCa channel
  • Strong partnerships and customer relationships
  • Strengths and capabilities of an international group to develop operations
  • A responsible way of operation as part of the company’s heritage
  • Innovative, skilled and committed personnel
  • Committed owners: ability to operate in peace and investment capacity
  • Experienced and knowledgeable management committed to increasing shareholder value

The above strengths, combined with a strong financial position, enable Olvi Group’s competitive advantage. These include a brand portfolio, pricing power, customer loyalty and fairly stable demand for end products, high local market shares, proven capacity for renewal to meet changing consumer needs, extensive and efficient local distribution, and production efficiency. These will also enable future profitable growth and development.